Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Comayagua Week 10

This week went by so fast!!  On Tuesday we had a bunch of time to contact, so Elder Bingham got his dice and we did 'dice contacting'!  We would roll the dice and the number would tell us to go forward, backward, left or right and either me or Bingham would contact the nearest person. haha.  It was super fun and we actually found some nueves investigadores.

On Wednesday, we went to Tegucigalpa for my 2nd reunion de nuevos.  It was fun again to see all the CCM homies.  We got back pretty late, so we didn't do much I believe after.

On Thursday I had intercambios with Elder Long!!  He is our zone leader, and he came to our area, so basically I had all of the responsibility which was cool.  Plus I was proud of myself for knowing how to get everywhere and in teaching and talking with all our investigators.  Elder Long is pretty baggy, but he is hilarious! He is from Chicago and he played baseball for Air Force.  I learned a crapton from him.  He is a solid missionary.  The guy has been a pueblo missionary, and he kept saying that our apartment is the best he has ever seen. haha.  I learned a lot and I learned that my Spanish is better than I thought it was, which was a confidence booster.

Friday we went to Burger King and then Wendy's for dinner.  The goal for the missionaries this week was to have 10 investigators in church, so we really, really focused on getting as much people to church.  We only had six, but we did put 2 fechas with them!  One is a guy who is a menos activo, and his girlfriend who just had a baby is not a member.  But they came to church! The hard thing is that we will have to marry them.

Oh and on Saturday, Bishop here went to Utah for a conference, and he got some money to start this project for the church.  He bought a piece of land and he is building two houses, and he plans on making a farm place for members to work and live there.  So we had to clear this field where they are going to plant corn and beans.  Plus there was a bunch of really good mango trees! I loved those mangos!  The usual mangos here are nasty green ones but the trees on this little farm had delicious nectar mangos-- the mango I know from the states!  It was so gooooood!

Yep, that was my week!  Mother's Day is approaching, and we will see what happens this cambio right after Mother's Day.  I really love Comayagua.  The members here are so cool and some have really powerful testimonies, and their faith is incredible.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!  It was a great week!  The field is ripe and ready to harvest.  Continue to read your scriptures every day- especially the Book of Mormon, along with daily prayer and listening to a conference talk!

Elder Wagner

clearing the field


Mango just like the ones at home!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Comayagua Week 9

Rise and Shout the Cougars are....  in Comayagua?

Hey guys! 

Another week in the books! This week was pretty interesting, starting with us going to this little town called le jamani, which was about 30 minutes in bus away from comayagua. The guy we went to teach is william, he just had a baby with a menos activo girl, and they want to get married! We are going to try to put a fecha with william, he is pretty positive, its just that they live so far from the capilla. 

This week we did a huge focus on finding nuevas personas para ensenar. Hence, we did a crapton of walking and contacting, we think we might have found some good people, but none of them came to church, so we cant put fechas with those people. 

On wednesday, we found a guy in the parque with a byu hat! We got pics with him, but he had no idea what his hat meant (its pretty common here there are so many people who wear american shirts and stuff haha, oh  yeah our investigator miguel wore his I dont give a rat's donkey shirt! haha i got a pic with him too) 

On Friday we went to this burger place called krifis, it was SO good! Except is was way expensive haha. and elder bingham completed 6 meses en la mision, and every night we always pass this mariachi band in the street, and bingham decided that he was going to pay for a song! haha it was so cool! it wwas only 50 limps. I';ll try to send the video haha.

On saturday we were walking and this one drunk guy walked up and hugged elder bingham and kissed him right on the neck! Then he went for me, and I couldnt avoid him! haha, it was really gross, he got me right on the neck too. I immediately put on hand sanitizer all over my neck haha, we were laughing so hard at the ridiculousness of what had just happened. 

On sunday, we watched meet the mormons, after church as a ward, haha and our ward mission leader was in the movie! haha, i think all the members liked it, it was the 3rd time I had seen it so I might have fallen asleep for a bit haha. 

It was a good week! Everyone sounds so good! Continue doing your daily scripture study and daily prayer, in addition to listening to a conference talk a day! You will have power over the deceiver! 

Im not having much problems with beans much anymore, I kinda am starting to like them. The member who would do our laundry machine broke, so we've had to wash clothes by hand. so, that kind of sucks ahah.

Other than that, I am doing great! I can't believe it is already the middle of april! Time seriously flies by so fast here when youré working hard. Thanks for all of your prayers!

Love Elder Wagner

Monday, April 13, 2015

Comayagua Week 8

This week flew by! Wow! Let's start with Tuesday, we went to teguc for Bingham's doctor appointment, which was with the mission doctor in the mission office. Downtown teguc is crazy! There are huge buildings and a bunch of rich people. And the mission office is real nice, and so was the doctor (he spoke really good english), and now Elder Bingham just has to do exercises every night and morning (he has snapping hip syndrome). And then we ate at McDonalds, which was really cool haha. It was weird because technically the whole time we were in teguc we were outside of our mission. 

So on Wednesday our fecha with dilsia fell, because we found out she has been living with someone for 6 months! and we taught her law of chastity, and her what her options were (to either get married or to leave him), and now we haven't seen her or been able to talk to her... 

On Thursday we deep cleaned our apartment because there was a chance president was going to visit and check since we had interviews the next day on Friday. Interviews were good, I am pretty proud of my ability to talk in Spanish now. Yeah so it was kind of a slow week, but new people came to church! We definitely have some good prospects this week to put some baptismal fechas esta semana. 

Funny- We decided to talk to this drunk guy, and he kept asking if we were amish or menonita... And then he kept asking me to sing a song for him because he was SURE that I was Justin Bieber, hahahaha. 

My belt, which was Grandpa Shaffer's, is now at the notch where Grandpa Shaffer would use! haha yeah my pants are pretty loose, this week I am going to try to eat more (I splurged and bought a huge bag of krusteaz pancake mix, its pretty sweet)

It is still great to hear y'alls stories about general conference still, remember: a talk a day keeps satan away! (even though we still have to wait for the May ensign to read the talks again), may we all continue to read and listen to the talks, as well as the scriptures daily, and we will be able to resist temptation, be spiritually strengthened, and we will receive revelation on how we can improve our lives.

I love you all! Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers! Keep up the good work everyone!

Love , Elder Wagner

p.s. I kinda like beans now... I like breaking up the queso and putting it in my beans, so thats cool haha

elder bingham's mom sent me a shirt! and him of course. haha its funny because elder bningham LOVES Coke, and a mission rule is that we can't drink coke or pepsi or anything with caffeine, he is hoping that changes with the new president haha

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Comayagua Week 7: Semana Santa

What a week! What a conference! It was especially great to hear from our prophet and apostles, I feel so spiritually fattened right now.

This was crazy week, largely because Comayagua is such a traditional town. Every day this week comayagua celebrated it as just like the last week of our Savior. Casi every night there was something huge at the park, so we had lots of opportunities to talk with as many people as possible. We passed out TONS of graciasaqueelvive passalong cards, and we told all of the people to go watch the video (we got to finally see the video on sunday haha) but I really hope that one person watches the video and is touched by the message, because the sad thing about semana santa is how there was hardly ANY celebration on domingo, the huge thing was on Friday, the day of His crucifixion. As testified by many speakers at Conference, we know that He lives!! This Gospel is a happy message that He conquered the grave, taking away the sting of death! That was the message we really tried to convey to everyone we talked to.
The hard thing about semana santa was that like zero of our investigators were in town. Although we did get to put a fecha for Dilsia, she is like 30, and a sister of some members. We had a really powerful 2nd lesson with her, and it was cool because we really got to talk about the Holy Ghost, because she had felt it as she read in the Book of Mormon, and the Spirit was so strong in that lesson. The only thing is that she probably drinks coffee (like everyone here does) so we will have to work with that, but I really see her being baptized on the 18th.
Anyways, back to Conference! We got to watch it all in English, as Zona Comayagua is like the whitest zone in the mission. between sessions on Saturday we went to BK and then to pizza hut before Priesthood. And when the talks were in Spanish we watched them in Spanish! It was way cool, and all of the members here absolutely love the opportunity to hear it spoken in Spanish primarily. My favorite talks were in the Sunday morning session, a powerful four talks in a row by Gerald Causse, Nielson, Holland, and Uchtdorf. I especially liked Causse, where he talked about the Gospel is like a fountain of never ending knowledge that will never run dry. Even if we have read the scriptures, we should read them again! We will learn so much! And Holland and Uchtdorfs especially I liked as they testified of the actuality that Jesus Christ lives today, and there is so much to receive from His Atonement. I can't wait to receive the ensign and read these talks again! I challenge everyone to try to read/ listen to a talk a day, to keep Satan away! haha. 

This has been a great week, and thanks for all of your prayers, we are going to Teguc tomorrow to see about Elder Binghams knee and hip, hopefully all goes well in that regard. 

The church is true!

Love, Elder Wagner

Elder Wagner

we really liked this alfombra because it is a pic from the church. I am in the background. 

the parade on the alfombras