On martes I didn't go to teguc I stayed here in comayagua and did service, while pretty much all the rest of the zone had cambios.
At lunch I met my new companion, Elder Dunn!! He is so awesome! He has like 7 months on the mission, and he went to BYU summer term! Haha we dont know each other, but we know a lot of the same people, which is really really cool and fun. Plus he is a really hard worker, we had a really excellent week this week, I have learned so much from Elder Dunn. He was made the district leader as well, so he is always on the phone at night too. A really cool thing we did this week was make an effort to go out with all the 18 year old guys in the ward. We went out twith this menos activo named darwin, it was so fun! And we had a really powerful lesson on the Book of Mormon, it was great.
On Friday it was really cool, we were contacting, and I thought that we could go visit an antiguo investigador, but it ended up we taught like his aunt who was there! She was really receptive, and we taught the Restauracion. We really built up the lesson to the 1st vision, and I recited it, and The Spirit was so strong as I spoke. She and her daughter both felt the Spirit, and they accepted a fecha bautismal for the 6th of June. There is so much power in Joseph Smith´s story, I am so grateful for that. And for the Book of Mormon. Famailia Hernandez, the family we are marrying this next Friday and baptizing, have been so receptive, and have quit coffee this past week, largely because I believe their faith has been increased by their daily reading of the Book of Mormon. They are such a great family, I am so grateful for them. Plus, they have given us a boatload of references to us of their family.
Sunday we had 8 investigators!!! And their was a bunch of menos activos that came to church too that we taught! This week has been amazing, and I really have lost like all feeling of homesickness. Tomorrow, we get to go to the Temple!!! I am so excited!
Also: our old ward mission leader, Alex mejia, went to Costa Rica on his mission, he knows Jake Smoot, and then he showed me a pic of jake´s wedding from facebook, haha so that was cool. Small world, eh?
Anyways I had a fantastic week! We have worked really hard, but I also had a lot of fun too.
We basically have a new zone and a new district, so it is really cool. I am excited to get back to work this week, and I am ever grateful for all of your prayers for me in my behalf.