Sunday, August 30, 2015

Juticalpa Week 27

what a surprise this week!

We got a visit from President Russell M Nelson on Saturday! we found out on Wednesday  at zone conference. 
on saturday we went to  teguc super early and us and mission Tegucigalpa  were all there in a stake center so many missionaries. but yeah it was SO AWESOME!! Wow seriously my testimony grew that we actually have living prophets and apostles is so true. seriously president nelson was so funny, and he would occasionally say phrases in Spanish ahah. but yeah at they beginning we all got to shake his hand, along with presidnet duncan, presidente of the area central america. so dope!!!! wow it was such an awesome experience. president nelson left us also with this sick apostolic blessing upon our mission, it was so cool. i learned so much!!!!

oh yeah and the crazy thing was that we didnt  get back from teguc until 5, the time for our baptism 11 it was really stressful and we didn't have the pila all the way filled but we baptized her johanna on her knees, it was elder pazs first baptism. it was also crazy because her and her family moved to the other branch here, so we lost like all of our investigators from the family, so this week we really have to work and put some baptismal date, we only have one for the 12 of sept, but he is pretty solid. we did have another family for the 12, but they dont want to get married and we found out the husband beats the wife, which is super sad. i really hope we can help this guy repent. it reminds me of what president nelson said, how the "Lord is extremely disappointed in the fact that here there are more male members without priesthood than there are with the priesthood", and that is what we really need to focus on as missionaries. 

but yeah sweet week, except we had 0 in sacrament meeting, only our confirmation. I am so pumped for this week.

also cool experience of prayer that happened yesterday literally every appointment fell at 6 30 last night, so i felt that we should pray for inspiration. we then continued, without much success, until an old investigator suddenly came to my mind! we went, they werer there, and they were super positive and gave us food! but yeah defintiely improved my testimony of prayer.

good to hear from yall. I just want all of you to know of my conviction, that This Church is led by prophets seers and revelators. Those men really do have the authority of God to act in His name. This Church is true. may we all strive to continue following our great example in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, and may we be examples unto others in showing the grand blessings we receive from this gospel.

Love, Elder Wagner

also i havent washed my hands

and i clipped and saved my fingernails

hahahaha joking

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Juticalpa Week 26

this week really flew by it was a good hard working week, elder paz and i really pushed each other this week. We have accumulated a bunch of new investigators now, and so now we really have to focus on getting them all to progress. Also, this week i have been quite diligent and have been making my bed every day and have been neat. Maybe i can change that about myself here in the mission. 

A family that we brought to church last week accepted a baptismal fecha this week!! it was really hard though we found out from the wife that the husband beats her .... and they're not married so to get them baptized we have to marry them... its kind of like walking on ice teaching with them haha,  but it has been good the lord has really helped us a bunch. Also, we have an awesome guy named devin, he is super busy and had still has a ridiculous crazy addiction to alcohol. But he has been going strong for 2 weeks. He comes to church on his own. Also we have a baptism this Saturday with johanna, but the adversary is working really hard, the whole family is kind of against us, so we will see if we can baptize here, to perhaps animate the family. 

what else? uh it has been super dusty and i have had insane allergies and its been raining so supper muddy but yeah we have been going out with the members also. I hope this week we can really get more people to church. 

here are two firepower scrips, 2 nefi 33:11, y moroni10:27 these really amp me up and testify of the importance of the book of mormon in this work. I challenge y'all to strengthen your testimony in the book of mormon and share it with others!!!

but yeah haha elder paz is sweet, he just talks like pedro man. like in the lessons and contacts haha.  haha. but in the lessons we have been really unified and the Spirit has been really strong. 

oh yeah funny pic the elders from below came up to hang out, and i was in the other room studying, and it got all quiet and they all fell asleep! haha so i took a pic lol}

love yall!! 
Elder Wagner

Monday, August 17, 2015

Juticalpa Week 25

Elder Wagner and his newbie, Elder Paz
hey fam!!

sounds like the lake was pretty sick!! i had a pretty crazy week too, with the changes and all. bueno, on monday we played water balloon volleyball as a district super fun. oh yeah and today we are writing late because we went to catacamas and played soccer. 

but yeah this week was pretty sweet, on tuesday we had cambios, so we all went to tegucigalpa. it is always super fun to be with all of the missionaries because know i know a bunch, and I sat by Elder Dunn!!! I really miss that guy, we're seriously best friends, such an awesome missionary 
and then all of us trainers got to welcome the news, and I got Elder Paz! He is from nicaragua tambien, but he actually speaks alright ingles. We didnt get bak to juticalpa until 7 at night, but he has a bunch of energy to work, and i worked him super hard this week,and it is really nice to have a companion who is willing to obedient. He is great haha, pero a veces he reminds me of pedro from napolean dynamite, because he mumbles like him and talks like him! 

But yeah we had a sick week we found a great family that came to church with us, and we also put a fecha with debin, we are working super hard and enjoying it. but this week was pretty dang hot haha. 

also like on Saturday we ate moronga, also known as pig blood, so it is just like sausage but cooked pig blood, it was super super greasy gnarly stuff. 

oh yeah and i weighed myself at the news mtg and i weigh 170 with my suit and stuff! i bought some eggs so maybe i can build some muscle haha. 

but yeah this week we a had bunch of powerful lessons and some sweet study sessions. Every night we got back and elder paz would just knock out lol. but he'll get used to the schedule, but yeah it has been a sweet week.

Thanks for all of your prayers!! This work is truly inspired!! i definietly have seen the hand of the lord in my life here in juticalpa,. and I know that He will bless yours lives as we keep the commandments and our covenants and continue steadfast in teh faith.

Love, }}
Elder Wagner

after the soccer game!
super blurry..... Elder Wagner and his "lineage" of trainers

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Juticalpa Week 24

yep so on martes president ferman called and im training! 

so the next day i went to teguc for the mtg, it was cool, im super pumped to train. yeah it was a long day i was just in the bus all day kind of hectic because we are so far out, and we kept on changing companions along the way to teguc. But yeah other than that, we didn't work hardly at all because silva got chikungia, so that was kind of disappointing. 

on Friday we had a zone meeting in catacamas, and Saturday was our district leaders bday, elder rodas. it was super fun we bought and cake and ice cream for him haha ill send the pics. We also found a guy, a friend of a recent convert who really has a bad addiction to alcohol and he really wants to change, we helped him a lot and he came to church! all 3 hours! which was cool because this Sunday the hours changed, this tiny little capilla has two pretty big ramas, and now our church starts at 8 and sacrament mtg at 10. with sunday school at the 1st hour, only had one come for principios del evangelio. But sunday night we had a super good lesson with angel, from familaia juarez, we pretty much explained the plan of salvation to him with lots of detail bec he had a bunch of questions (its interesting bec we hardly teach the plan of salvation with such detail, but by the end he understood it all and realized how important the book of mormon is. I really pray that he receives an answer. the spirit was super strong in the lesson. 

well next week i will be with a newbie!! It will be fun and a good experience. This transfer definitely wasn't easy,. but i learned a LOT and I hope to continue to learn how to apply the Atonement of our savior Jesus Christ in my life and in the lives of others. 

Love yall!!

Elder Wagner

Birthday Party!!

Juice Addiction!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Juticalpa Week 23

hey family!! had a pretty good week, good to hear from yall

on martes we had entrevistas con presidente ferman!!!!! it was awesome!!  president ferman actaully talked with me! He told and helped me with a lot, like with correcting disobedience and stuff with companions i really love the guy and how he works.

oh and holy crap a murcielago (a bat!) flew into our apartment!!! in broad daylight!! it was nuts haha it was just flying around lol. 

but yeah wednesday we went back with familia juarez, theyre so postiive and they have so many questions!! I just hope that they can truly pray and humble themselves and receive an answer that the book of Mormon is true. 

On Thursday we had a really good noche de hermanomiento with our investigators, but on friday we didnt have much luck finding and elder silva decided to waste time in a members house. 

and then Saturday I was super sick i crapped my pants in the middle of the night and threw up and then we just visited our fechas and i went home and slept. i had hardcore stomach pain, but by Sunday i was fine. IN branch council we are working really well with the members in retention and orientating our investigators, we have 6 fechas for the month of august and this week we look to find more. It will be hard probably because this is the last week for elder silva here in juticalpa.
funny moment of the week: a drunk guy was dancing super crazy with his giant beer bottle to the song IM ABOUT TO LOSE MY MIND UP IN HERE UP IN HERE
hahahaha i was laughing so hard hahaha.
yeah so now im back to 100 health and i hope to work out the end of this transfer well. this transfer has been a little rough, but i have learned a lot, including spanish.
love yall!!!

thanks for all of your prayers in my behalf!
love, elder wagner

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Juticalpa Week 22

Hey fam and friends! 

Sounds like y'all had a really good week, so did i! 

Lunes after we wrote we played some kickball with peeps from the zone, pretty fun haha. And then! a family that we had contacted was home, and they were super positive!!! We just taught leccion 0 and made a return appointment to teach the restoration to answer the question why are there lots of churches. they were in teguc all week until last night, and we taught l1! it was super long, they had lots of questions, and The Spirit was there super strong, the Lord serioiusly helped us so much that lesson . They're going to read the Book of Mormon! Honestly they are so awesome, its a young couple who are married, and the guy is a lwayer. I really hope and pray that they'll pray and resceive an answer from the Lord. 

With retencion, we go the rama to call ward missionaries, so now we have 3 ward missionaries (but they're girls,,, so it only helps the sisters haha) but nonetheless we have some pretty good prospects to help build this rama. With the members we really have to exercise patience but the work is coming slowly with them. All this week we got a bunch of our investigators reading and praying about the libro de mormon, which is sweet, we have like 11 names for agosto that we could put fechas con, this week we are really going to put some fechas and verify about their reading of the book of mormon. The book of Mormon is how people gain testimonies, it is so powerful and I am always ever grateful for it, and how powerful it is in la obra misional. 

Oh and on viernes we had intercambios, and Elder Rodas, our district leader came with me to our area. He is super awesome and has really helped me.

But yeah this week was sweet, flew by! I love the fotos of my nephew!!! He is a champ. 

mom: wow congrats to mr. coleman!!! That'd be awesome if bro biron gets the centennial job! 
for laundry here i just pay this guy at a laundromat, 

i got ta go love yall!!!!!

love, elder wagner

Monday, August 3, 2015

Juticalpa Week 21

Hey fam and friends! 

This week was a good week overall, definitely with ups and downs for sure. 

On tuesday, we took a bus to campamento and had a double zone reunion con presidente ferman. Dude! I love the guy! Like literally the thing i loved so much about what he talked about was retencion!  pres ferman wants us to work with the members and retener!!1 It was awesome!! Like i feel like the chapters in pmg were always disregarded, the ones about working with the members and teaching leccion 5. 

Anyways, it was awesome, and it lead to later this week us and the hermanas having a reunion con the branch president! The branch president here is pretty new, but he is willing to work with us]! But yeah i love presidente ferman. 

On wednesday none of our contacts were home so we visited this big catholic family, and we taught the restauracion and i felt the Spirit so strong as I bore testimony of how we can pray to know the truth. I just love when we can feel the spirit in the lessons, aunque sometimes the investigators don't progress. Feeling the Spirit, to me, is a good indicator of how i am doing as a missionary. 

On Thursday we had noche de hermomiento, and we brought this 15 year old inv walter, he is cool haha, everyone here is playing clash of clans! haha so thanks to my experience in that field, its a good way to break the ice hehe. 

But yeah friday and Saturday were good we had lots of news and lessons, but sunday only 2 people came to church, but the one who came, karen, the aunt of walter is getting baptized the 25th. I love juticalpa! oh yeah on sunday it was like impossible to work everyone and their mom was at the estadio at the soccer game, literally no one was in the streets. 

Lots of work to do here! lots of bugs here too, and my pants always get muddy haha so thats annoying! 

Love yall! 

Love, Elder Wagner

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Juticalpa Week 20

hey fam! 

i had a way better week this week, thanks to all of your prayers!! wow, also awesome with the 1st grandkid!!!! IM AN UNCLE!!! congrats kevin and jessica, seth looks like a pretty sweet nephew. hehe. but yeah i had a super awesome week! 

lunes, throughought that day and martes, i really felt y'alls prayers in my behalf. first week here in juticalpa was rough, i think i just was super homesick from comayagua, i really missed all of my converts and investigators. However, juticalpa is awesome!!!! 

on martes elder silva and i really hustled got a bunch of really good lecciones and news. 

on wednesday, we put four fechas with the family that we had contacted my first saturday here who went to church! theye are so ready]!!! There are so many people ready here, we just have to continue to balance teaching and finding more prepared people. 

ON jueves i think elder silva got chikungia, but he still worked which was sweet. also, my new favorite word in spanish is ´crapear´ hahaha all of the latinos use this word!! haha. also we taught thesse catolicos who were only primarily interested in us because i was from the states, but then we taught the restoration and they just ate up the angels part! i really love using this gospel pic book to demonstrate the lost authority and then the return of the authority throught the angels pedro santiago y juan with jospeh smith. I love the gospel!! and the misssion!! 

on viernes we had zone mtg in catacamas which is like 1 hour from here, this is a really spread out zone, but it was good. also, mom, here is the mission blog, mhc1518. tomorrow we have an activity with president ferman. he didn't change many rules, only with drinking water in the members houses. 

sunday we fasted, whew it was rough! but fasting was so rewarding!!! i love how easy it is to feel the spirit whilst fasting! i also taught principios del evangelio class in church on the spot, that was fun. my spanish it really improving, but i still have a lot to learn. 

thanks for all of the prayers!!! happy 4th everyone! also go usa! we saw part of the womens cup in a lesson yesterday haha. 


UNCLE Elder Wagner

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Juticalpa Week 19

hey peeps! 

this week was crazy we finished up in comaygaua showing our fechas to the hermanas and then packed and got up at 4 to catch  a bus to teguc. 

changes was really cool - porque there was a bunch a missionaries who had changes it was like the whole mission  was there is was cool to see everyone and stuff. and then i got sent to zona catacamas! it is the farthest zone, and now i am here in juticalpa with elder silva.  he is from nicaragua and he has the same amount of time as me. yeah the drive was super long like 4 hours in the bus, but juticapla is really sweet it is just a little smaller than comayagua there is stores and stuff, so it is not super pueblo. 

it sure was rough transitioning to this area, i came and we literally have like 2 investigators and so we had to really hustle and find some news, which we did. elder silva told me that he had never worked this hard on his mission, we have had a bunch of fun telling each other tribalenguas. we also don't have like any appointments for food so we have to fend for ourselves which is kind of hard haha. 

the Lord has really blessed me this week, and a lot of times i had to ask my self, what would elder dunn do? i really miss him, he is now a zone leader. on saturday we found some gold news, we just contacted this family and they went to church with us on sunday! huge blessing from the lord there, really taught me to open my mouth at every opportunity. church was sweet, except the chapel is super super tiny and there are two ramas that share it, we really need a new building, which is a good problem. and the members seem legit, and i cant wait to continue working with them like we did with elder dunn. 

juticalpa is lo mejor! i have the feeling i will be here for awhile. who knows?? learned a lot this week.

thanks for al l of your prayers this week! i truly felt them!

love elder wagner

Elder Silva & Elder Wagner