We got a visit from President Russell M Nelson on Saturday! we found out on Wednesday at zone conference.
on saturday we went to teguc super early and us and mission Tegucigalpa were all there in a stake center so many missionaries. but yeah it was SO AWESOME!! Wow seriously my testimony grew that we actually have living prophets and apostles is so true. seriously president nelson was so funny, and he would occasionally say phrases in Spanish ahah. but yeah at they beginning we all got to shake his hand, along with presidnet duncan, presidente of the area central america. so dope!!!! wow it was such an awesome experience. president nelson left us also with this sick apostolic blessing upon our mission, it was so cool. i learned so much!!!!
oh yeah and the crazy thing was that we didnt get back from teguc until 5, the time for our baptism 11 it was really stressful and we didn't have the pila all the way filled but we baptized her johanna on her knees, it was elder pazs first baptism. it was also crazy because her and her family moved to the other branch here, so we lost like all of our investigators from the family, so this week we really have to work and put some baptismal date, we only have one for the 12 of sept, but he is pretty solid. we did have another family for the 12, but they dont want to get married and we found out the husband beats the wife, which is super sad. i really hope we can help this guy repent. it reminds me of what president nelson said, how the "Lord is extremely disappointed in the fact that here there are more male members without priesthood than there are with the priesthood", and that is what we really need to focus on as missionaries.
but yeah sweet week, except we had 0 in sacrament meeting, only our confirmation. I am so pumped for this week.
also cool experience of prayer that happened yesterday literally every appointment fell at 6 30 last night, so i felt that we should pray for inspiration. we then continued, without much success, until an old investigator suddenly came to my mind! we went, they werer there, and they were super positive and gave us food! but yeah defintiely improved my testimony of prayer.
good to hear from yall. I just want all of you to know of my conviction, that This Church is led by prophets seers and revelators. Those men really do have the authority of God to act in His name. This Church is true. may we all strive to continue following our great example in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, and may we be examples unto others in showing the grand blessings we receive from this gospel.
Love, Elder Wagner
also i havent washed my hands
and i clipped and saved my fingernails
hahahaha joking