Monday, February 23, 2015

Comayagua, Honduras

What is up family!!!

Honduras is crazy!! I am in the city of Comayagua with my comp, Elder Bingham, who is from Salt Lake City. He just got done being trained, and now he is training me. 

Wow! The trip was crazy! I slept on the plane ride here, and landing in Tegucigalpa was nuts. Mission presiedent picked us up and then we had orientation for a few hours, and then we took pics, and then me and elder bingham went to catch a bus to Comayagua, which was a about two hours and half from Teguz. There are pine trees here!! but then I fell asleep, and then we got to our apartment and we unpacked. It is so dang hot here haha. 

So we have the west side of Comayagua, and we share it with two hermanas, (one is actually from Bakersfield!! she went to Mira Monte) so it is pretty safe here in Comaygaua, and the hermanas just can't go certain places at night. So,on Wednesday, we went and visited a bunch of members and menos activos, and I have no idea what the crap they are saying, they speak so fasst cool thing,we visited a reference, and I challenged her and the son to baptism!! She accepted! But... she is not married to her husband, so we have to pay for a marriage for Mayra y Adan. We are trying to figure out how to do a marriage. 

We also did some contacting in the Zarcitas, which is a poor side  of Comayagua, it was crazy, all those people straight up have dirt floors. The next day, which was Friday, we visited Mayra, and she asked for a blessing on the house, because she was telling us stories about evil spirits or something, so Bingham gave a prayer, which I think made them fell better. 

There were two more elders here in Comayagua, but they left, so we are picking up on their old investigators, so we visited this lady Lourdes, who is pregnant. We were teaching outside, and I gave her a Book of Mormon, and she seemed really interested and stuff, but then her husband walked up and he told us he didn't want us teaching her, which is sad. 

Sunday was really interesting, but sadly only two of our investigators came, and they all need 3 church visits before they can be baptized. The field esta ya para la siega, aqui, and we walk and walk all day, so I instantly fall asleep when I sit down for longer than 20 minutes haha.
Some areas there are so many dogs!!! I took Elder Harding's advice, and they are super scared of rocks, but there are so many! One came up to me and bit me on the leg, but it wasn't that bad, it didn't break skin. But yeah, dogs. I hate them. And there are so many cats too! 

Food: the food is great, but I sure hate beans. They have these things called balleadas, Holy crap those are good. But yeah we have dinner appointments every night, and we pretty much just get tortillas, rice beans and eggs, and maybe chicken if they've got money. 

Weather: Hot. I sweat ALL of the time, but it is a blessing because I never go to the bathrooom during the day, so that is nice. And I guess the hot months are coming up. Luckily we have a fan in our room at night, but I still sweat so much haha. Oh yeah our apartment has hot water so that's cool 

I only have 40 minutes to write, so next week I'll go into detail more on our investigators. The people here are awesome! I'm understanding a lot more now than a week ago, and I can teach in the lessons, and I am getting better at conversations.
The church is true! I love y'all, and I am doing great here!

Elder Wagner
 Elder Bingham and Elder Wagner

Elder Wagner